“A Memory of Light” is the fourteenth and final book of the Wheel of Time, an epic fantasy series. It was released earlier today, and I’ve already picked up my copy which I had preordered through Outland.
Originally, the title was intended for the twelfth book. Then it grew too large, and was split into three: “The Gathering Storm” (2009), “Towers of Midnight” (2010) and this final volume. It is also the third book Brandon Sanderson has finished after Robert Jordan passed away in 2007. It was sad to see the original author pass away before he had the chance to finish the series. On the other hand, I think Sanderson has done a great job with the last books. He is also one of the best authors I have discovered over the last few years, and I am not convinced I would have done so had he not been chosen to finish the Wheel of Time. He has now taken a step back to focus on his own series and books again, and it looks like he already have plans to keep himself busy for a while.
Almost 23 years and thousands of pages since the first book, it is time to finally figure out how this story ends… At the end of the previous book most of the characters were joining forces and preparing for Tarmon Gai’don, The Last Battle. This is the event the books have been leading up to; the final confrontation between good and evil.